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Kubernetes Local Ingress TLS: Enabling HTTPS In Dev

1214 words·6 mins
microservices - This article is part of a series.
Part 8: This Article


If you’ve followed along this series, you’ve done some awesome work – all our traffic within our cluster is secured and encrypted! But… traffic from the internet (or our local machine) going TO our cluster is NOT encrypted. Truthfully, this is a much bigger vunlerability than if we had left our service-to-service communication unencrypted.


We want to set up TLS for our Kubernetes Ingress so that we can LOCALLY access our endpoints on HTTPS. To be honest, we don’t have to do this on our development environment; it is a bit of overkill. But this is my saga, and if you’re following along it’s your saga too, so let’s go the extra mile and set up a local dev certificate.

Here’s a couple of good reasons for us to do it anyways:

  • Browsers often won’t let us access insecure urls, so we can’t use a browser to access our apis
    • Maybe not a huge deal for apis, but if we serve a front end it will be an issue
  • We could have issues accessing our APIs from another app if we don’t support https (if that app runs in a browser especially)
  • We are aiming to have a development environment as close to production as possible
    • We MUST have a valid certificate and support HTTPS in production, so we should have it here
  • We will learn more and be more prepared for deploying to production and won’t be left fumbling in the dark later
Secure comms
Secure comms


At a high level, here’s what we need to do to enable TLS on our Ingress LOCALLY:

  • Create a root certificate with step that we will have our machine always trust
  • Use this root certificate to generate other self signed certificates with step, so our machine will always trust any certificate signed with this root certificate
    • We will need to add this root certificate to be trusted by our OS… I’ll be using mac, so if you’re on something else you’ll have to google this step… or just ask Chat GPT
  • Create a kubernetes Secret with the value of our certificates created in the previous step
  • Deploy the secret into our kubernetes cluster
  • Update our Ingress resource to have a tls section which references the secret holding our certificate

This is a little different than what we will need to do in production. When we deploy our app, we can’t use self-signed certificates, so we will need a certificate authority like LetsEncrypt to issue certificates, and we will use cert-manager to manage rotating them, etc… In fact, we could even have cert-manager generate self-signed certificates for us, but the problem is we want to set up our local certificate once and have it be trusted for a long time (I’ve set mine for 10 years). If we let cert-manager handle this in our local environment, we will get new certificates every time we re-start skaffold, which will be annoying to work with.

So let’s get to it and get secure (locally)!

Create Your Local Root and Leaf Certificates

Create a script called (yes I’m going Unix here). I have put this script in ./K8S/scripts, but you can put it anywhere. After you create it, don’t forget to chmod -x so you will be able to execute it.

I’m going to store my certificates in the ./K8S/Helm/nginx-ingress/dev-certificates folder (which I have just created).

Inside your script, place this code:

if [ ! -f ./K8S/Helm/nginx-ingress/dev-certificates/root-ca.crt ]; then
   SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
    step certificate create "HG Microservices Blog" "$SCRIPT_DIR/../Helm/nginx-ingress/dev-certificates/root-ca.crt" "$SCRIPT_DIR/../Helm/nginx-ingress/dev-certificates/root-ca.key" --profile root-ca --kty RSA --size 2048 --no-password --insecure --not-after=87600h # valid for 10 years
    # Change to your local domain alias in your hosts file
     step certificate create "" "$SCRIPT_DIR/../Helm/nginx-ingress/dev-certificates/web-hg.crt" "$SCRIPT_DIR/../Helm/nginx-ingress/dev-certificates/web-hg.key" --profile leaf --ca "$SCRIPT_DIR/../Helm/nginx-ingress/dev-certificates/root-ca.crt" --ca-key "$SCRIPT_DIR/../Helm/nginx-ingress/dev-certificates/root-ca.key" --kty RSA --size 2048 --no-password --insecure --san "" --not-after=87600h # valid for 10 years

    echo "Certificate already exists"

This code above checks to see if the root-ca.crt exists at the specified location. If yes, it will just echo Certificate already exists. If no, it’ll create a root certificate.

Then, if it created a root certificate, it will also create a leaf certificate, and sign it with the root certificate. Make sure in the second setp command you change the "" to your own domain that you specified in your hosts file. The --no-after=87600h means this certificate will be valid for 10 years.

Now run the script – you will see 4 new files:

Local certs

I’ve also added a .gitignore file to this path so these certificates aren’t put into version control:


After you do this, you’ll need to tell your OS to trust the root-ca.crt. If you’re on a mac open the Keychain Access app, select System to select your system keychain, and drag in your root-ca.crt:

Trusting step 1

Now you have the cert in there locally, but it’s still not trusted. Double click on it, open the Trust section at the top, and select Always Trust. This is usually insecure, but it’s just for our local dev server, so it’s ok.

Always Trust

Ok you are set - now let’s apply this to our Ingress!

Create the K8S secret

Top Secret

We need to add a secret in Kubernetes that has the value of your leaf certificate. In your local/skaffold.yaml, add this to your entries:

        - host:
            os: [ darwin, linux, arm64 ]
            command: [ "kubectl", "create", "secret", "tls", "web-hg-microservices-blog-com-tls", "--cert=./K8S/Helm/nginx-ingress/dev-certificates/web-hg.crt", "--key=./K8S/Helm/nginx-ingress/dev-certificates/web-hg.key", "-n", "app" ]

Yes, I’m abandoning the cross platform stuff. But, you can make this work for your OS easily I’m sure.

The command above creates a K8S secret called web-hg-microservices-blog-com-tls and gives it the leaf cert .crt and .key files. Now we just need to tell our Ingress to use this for tls.

Add Certificate To Ingress

Update the spec section in your app-ingress.yaml to look like the following:

  ingressClassName: nginx
    - hosts:
      secretName: web-hg-microservices-blog-com-tls

Here we are just setting up tls, specifying the same host we have in our hosts file (the one for which we have made our certificates), and then pointing it to the secretName we created above. This will let the Ingress know where to find the certificate, and will allow us to use HTTPS.

And that’s it!

Go make some requests in a browser or other client, and you should be able to use https!

Access Granted

Next Steps

We will need to do more when it comes to securing our Ingress in production. First, we currently have a single Ingress definition under common/manifests, but we should have an Ingress defined for each environment. This will allow us more flexibility, and also we will need to identify different subdomains for each environment.

Also, in prod we will use cert-manager to manage rotating our certificates, and we will use LetsEncrypt to issue certificates. But what we have done here is good enough for our development environment, and as we get to the point where we are wrapping up this Saga, we will make sure all of the above is in good shape.

So… we are on to authentication next! We will start building out this service to allow users to sign in with username and password first (simple), then we will federate out to other OIDC compliant providers.

Go hero, go!

microservices - This article is part of a series.
Part 8: This Article